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Our Values

Our human capital
The most valuable asset we have

Client Engagement:
"We all aspire to be long term partners with our clients through listening, closeness and necessary involvement in order to provide them with great added value".

"We are open to the world and to technological innovations, keen to learn and deliver; and with a positive vision of our mission, we place people, respect and trust at the heart of the digital experience".

"We place entrepreneurship, out-of-the-box thinking, and agility at the heart of our project; we are innovative in using the best digital technologies to transform the business of our clients".

Colleague Engagement:
"Our diversity, the pleasure of working in teams with thoughtfulness, and the recognition given to the work and talents of each person, allow us to follow through on our promises".
Embracing Diversity, Fostering Sustainability: A Commitment to People and Planet

At NEO-DIS.COM Group of companies, which includes EI-TECHNOLOGIES MENA / LEBANON / ARABIA and NEO-DIS.COM FRANCE, sustainability is not just about protecting the planet; it's about nurturing our people and fostering a culture of diversity, inclusivity, and development. From the very foundation of our company, we've prioritized equality and values in building our workforce. Our recruitment approach actively embraces diversity across cultures, ethnicities, genders, ages, sexual orientations, and abilities, ensuring that every voice is heard and valued.

As we continue to grow, we welcome a diverse range of new graduates into our team, complementing the wealth of experience, which span across generations. Our workforce brags of including many people of different nationalities that span across the globe from Canada, to Europe, to the middle east and North Africa, to South Asia. Thanks to our accessible job postings on social media, the facilities offered for convenient interviews, and the clarity of our promising career paths, our outreach has proven successful. The newly hired benefit from our programs and mentorship practices to foster their work-related education while continuously supporting them to perform their work with fewer challenges.

But our commitment to building people up doesn't stop there. Our employees are empowered to create committees that champion inclusivity, environment awareness “Go Green”, “Wellness”, safety “Wardens”, and community support “SolidAct”. Go Green initiatives included planting trees on our company premises as well as nature-trips to mindfully enjoy the natural beauty of our environment. The Wellness committee focused on giving work interruption for stretching and exercise, as well as raising awareness on healthy lifestyles and maintain the provided recreational and rest areas to enhance our team’s well-being; the Wardens ensure the safety of the premises for all employees; and SolidAct adopts less privileged families and helps them sustain their living and educational expenses all year round through in-company fundraising campaigns.

All this is happening in a work environment that fosters diversity and cultural acceptance, which is formalized in our Code of Conduct that promotes collaboration, support, and zero tolerance for discrimination. In addition, Our communication channels encourage regular open dialogue while ensuring adherence to our values. It is within our foundational practice to involve a people-oriented basic strategy that is enacted daily to foster our company’s spirit of inclusion, respect, and commitment to personal and professional growth. In that regard, meetings and gatherings are held individually and collectively to create a ground for listening and to proactively respond to employees needs, thus giving everyone a voice that is respected and heard.

At our Group, we believe in fair treatment, equal access to opportunity, teamwork, innovation, and cultural acceptance. While committed to environmental awareness, our dedication to sustainability goes beyond to encompass the sustainable development of our most valuable asset: our people.
The values we promote within all our offices include and are not limited to:
  • Fair treatment
  • Equal access to opportunity
  • Teamwork and collaboration
  • A focus on innovation and creativity
  • Organizational flexibility, responsiveness and agility
  • Conflict resolution processes that are collaborative
  • Competition in external award programs
  • Acceptance and honoring of multiple cultures
  • Anti-discriminatory policy
  • Reporting goals and measuring progress